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Book Eight


Chapter One: In what Mirror M. Madeleine contemplates his Hair


Notable quotes:
       "The branch trembles when a hand approaches it to pluck a flower, and seems to both withdraw and to offer itself at one and the same time. The human body has something of                    this tremor when the instant arrives in which the mysterious fingers of Death are about to pluck the soul."


Chapter Two: Fantine Happy


Chapter Three: Javert Satisfied


Reminder that most Royalists were pro-Bourbon Restoration, and anti-Napoleon. May it be alluded that Valjean was pro-Napoleon?


I have a feeling that Javert represents a lot more than an intense police inspector… This reddit thread opens up an insightful discourse about the depth of Javert's character--or, arguably, the lack thereof. Hugo asking for pity on Javert's behalf is monstrously poignant.


Definitions that elude me:

  • Epiphonema: an exclamation or reflection used to summarize or round off an argument or discourse


Chapter Four: Authority reasserts its Rights


The weight of Hugo finally calling Valjean by his given name again! The complete character evolution/revolution, yet regression in naming! SCREAM!


Thumbscrews are, unfortunately, exactly what they sound like: the fingers of victims were crushed between the iron grips.


Chapter Five: A Suitable Tomb


"Drapeau Blanc" translates to "White Flag." There seems to be more weight to it, but I'm having trouble figuring it out. Any insight is greatly appreciated!


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